
Pictures of purple flowers
Pictures of purple flowers

pictures of purple flowers

Foliage Color & Texture : Evergreen - nice dark green elongated leaves that have a more distinct pointed tip at the end than many Azalea varieties do. Soil Preference : Average to cool moist & fertile. Growth Rate : Slow to moderate ( 5" - 8" avg per yr ) Mature Width : 5 - 6 ft ( if left to grow naturally ) Mature Height : 6 - 8 ft ( if left to grow naturally ) This fairly shallow root system however, also requires that Azaleas be given regular waterings - be sure that your Azaleas receive water equivalent to about 1" of rainfall each & every week throughout the growing season. Shallow, non aggressive root system makes them a great foundation planting choice, and can even be planted closely together for use as a colorful hedge. Like all Azaleas, Purple Formosa prefers semi shade, and will even do well in planting locations with mostly shade.

pictures of purple flowers

Have even seen this variety used as a larger understory planting under the shady canopies of larger shade trees. Popular uses for Purple Formosa include hedges, colorful accents or borders, and also works very well to help highlight any semi shaded area. Foliage is evergreen, and very dark green in color when mature - newer growth & leaves is a lighter shade of green, maturing to a darker shade. Has a vigorous, more upright growth habit than most of the other Azaleas we grow.but is oftentimes maintained at a variety of different heights through periodic pruning / trimming. Produces good numbers of 2 1/2" - 3" diameter rich light to medium purple / lavender colored blooms throughout the spring, and known to also produce smaller, shorter, sporadic "spurts" of blooms through the fall season as well. Purple Formosa Azalea is a larger sized evergreen azalea from the Southern Indica Family.

Pictures of purple flowers